- writing from midnight to twilight - short stories and miscellaneous journal by Esther Avila
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Favorite Christmas cities
So, with that in mind - Here are some of my favorite cities for Christmas:
New York City
San Francisco
Disneyland (not a real city, but oh so beautiful)
Seattle/Victoria, B.C.
"cold" cities - with snow (or if no snow - with rain)
Christmas traditions
Every year, since my girls were little, I have bought each of them a special ornament. When the girls were in ballet, I got them little porceline "girls in pink tutus" ornaments. As they grew, and had different interests, they got more individualized ornaments - softball player, musical instruments, and other unique ones -- Paris' eiffel tower, NYC's empire state building - and other gold, silver, and gemstone ones.
Jennifer treasures her Care Bears, Marisa her Back Street Boys ornament s- and Catherine, her Barbie ones.
Someday, when they leave and have their own place -- they will each take their box of special ornaments to hang on their first tree.
There is another tradition we have - shopping in a "big city" --normally that means San Francisco Union Square (always have to go see Santa at Macy's) --The trip is not complete without a special brunch or lunch, hot chocolate and ice skating in the plaza.
Last year was truely magical. It snowed. I was promised a "little girl" Christmas experience I would never forget - and I certainly got it -- an awesome light show and listening to Christmas music played on the largest pipe organs I have ever seen at the biggest, most beautiful Macy's I had ever been to. I will never forget it and will forever treasure the photo with Santa I have as a reminder of that magical day.
Disneyland at Christmas is another tradition. I take the girls twice a year. In the summer, and at Christmas. Disneyland is always magical - but even more so at Christmastime.
We will go on Friday, and I can't wait. Marisa especially, is counting the days. Every day she asks "how many more days?" and she jumps up and down and claps when I tell her.
And, my favorite tradition - opening gifts on Christmas morning. Growing up, it was always done the eve before. I wanted to give my children the excitement of Santa (Marisa still believes.)
Whatever your traditions are, may they leave beautiful memories for your loved ones.
Christmas time is here again....
My home is slowly getting transformed into a glistening Christmas home.
I got a big tree up in the entryway - and decorated it all evening/night. (all by myself.)
I got a smaller 5-ft white tree for my daughter's room. She decorated it in blues, pinks, purples and penguins. It's so pretty.
I placed three smaller trees in the dining room, and a small table top tree in Catherine's room. She returns next weekend from UC Santa Barbara. Yay! I'm so excited. I can't wait for her to see our little winter wonderland sparkling home. Marisa's room is too small for a tree (she has the cutest room - at her request, she wanted that room - think half a dorm size) but we are placing green garland around her window. It's lighted, plays Christmas tunes, and she can hang some of her small ornaments from it.
My mantel and piano is also covered in beautiful rustic garland, with silver and gold accents.
My house smells like gingerbread or home-baked apple pie (depending on which candles I light) and I constantly play Christmas music - I am listening to Eugene Ormandy conduct the Philadelphia Orchestra (Glorious Sound of Christmas album) "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" as I write this.
I have always loved decorating my home for Christmas but it has been a few years since I've really gone all out. It kind of stopped in 2003 when Catherine was dying in the hospital and I "lived" there for a couple of weeks - never coming home. (that year we got our tree the day she came home - Christmas Eve.)
Since then, I've decorated but never the same again....though last year I started getting back into the swing of it.
Yes - it's definitely beginning to smell, sparkle, and look a lot like Christmas at my home.
Monday, December 01, 2008
From Beethoven with love
They are hollow, like a broken drum – silent and undone.
And life goes on but the spirit doesn’t. It remains,
with such longing and such unfulfilled belonging…..
She thought this year would be different.
She thought he was different.
Yet, she’s alone.… through evenings, weekends and holidays.
The heart beats but no rhythm is played......she remains alone....and he does too.
Love letter from Beethoven to his immortal beloved on July 7, 1812
Though still in bed my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us.
I can live only wholly with you or not at all—yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home, send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits.
—Yes, unhappily it must be so—you will be the more resolved since you know my fidelity—to you, no one can ever again possess my heart—none—never—Oh, God!
why is it necessary to part from one whom one so loves and yet my life in Vienna is now a wretched life—your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men—at my age, I need a steady, quiet life—can that be under our conditions?
...Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together—be calm—love me—today—yesterday—what tearful longings for you—you—you—my life—my all—farewell—Oh continue to love me—never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
ever thine
ever mine
ever for each other
Monday, November 10, 2008
Buck Shaffer Community Clock

All photos by Esther Avila
Saturday was such a bittersweet day for me - very emotional, and yes - along with many others - I cried.
Anyway -- It is official. The beautiful Buck Shaffer Community Clock is definitely up.
If you are in, or anywhere near, Porterville, stop by and take a look and you can probably agree with me and say that it is striking.
An added surprise that we kept secret is the sculpture of Buck- directing the band - that stands on top of the clock.

REMINDER - Don't forget, if you are in the area, meet at the clock before the parade -- 9 a.m. Tuesday, November 11 -- for the dedication of the clock to the city of Porterville. It will be short and sweet.

Hope to see some of you there,
Esther Avila
Class of 1976
I wrote two stories on Saturday's event -- if you missed them, here are the links

Buck Shaffer Community Clock unveiled
Porterville Recorder, CA - 22 hours agoBy ESTHER AVILA
Thousands of community members gathered at the plaza at Centennial Park at noon Saturday with one thing in mind — to see the unveiling of the city's new Buck Shaffer Community Clock.
“A year ago, I was standing here looking at a vacant piece of land, saying ‘The clock will be here,’” Felipe Martinez, a City Council member who is also on the committee that spearheaded the project, said. “Porterville is a community that gives and gives. Buck Shaffer’s soul is here. It’s an amazing feat to come together and do this.” ......click on link to read full story.

Porterville Recorder, CA - 23 hours agoBy ESTHER AVILA
Somewhere up in heaven, Frank "Buck" Shaffer is smiling. That’s because music was flowing down Main Street Saturday during the Fabulous Music Jam II, an all-day music festival at the plaza at Centennial Park in downtown Porterville. And because one of the last wishes of his life was made real.
The celebration of sound took place in conjunction with the unveiling of the Buck Shaffer Community Clock, a monument in honor of the late Frank “Buck” Shaffer, Porterville’s musical icon and former Porterville High School band director. ....click on link to read entire story.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Selma Band Review

The competition was tougher than previous years — only one half of a point separating the top four bands — so the young Monache musicians wondered what the final results might be.
“I had no idea we were going to win,”Amanda Allen, head field drum major, said. “We thought we had it figured out, so when [the announcer] said ‘For the 24th year,’ — the band didn’t wait for the rest, they jumped up and started screaming. I had not even gotten to the salute yet to receive the trophy. They rushed the field and beat me to the trophy.”
2008 Band Festival Winners:
Granite Hills shines at Visalia Band Review

Led by parade drum major Erik Bartlett, the Granite Hills High School marching band stepped out to John Philip Sousa’s “Washington Post” during the Visalia Lions’ 28th annual Visalia Invitational Music in Motion in downtown Visalia.
Friday, October 24, 2008
cute alien
Thursday, October 16, 2008
emotional - nostalgic -- fairy tales -- whatever it may be .....

And love is either in your heart or on it’s way
You have a head start
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rainy days and Mondays
I love rain - it's so refreshing.
Today I was looking out the window when I suddenly noticed the light but consistent mist falling. You could almost not call it rain, it was so fine. But I didn't care. I jumped up and ran outside. I love rain. We rarely see it out here. But, as expected, it didn't last. No time to even grab an umbrella. Something about walking in the rain with an umbrella is so precious.
Extra special today - I didn't have to work. A day off - I did plenty of housework and I went to see my Jennifer's tennis match. She's an awesome tennis player. Last year she started playing for the first time and she's on the JV team but frequently plays varsity. She won again today. :) Catherine was on the team when she was there too and went two years undefeated. I love watching my daughters play tennis. Marisa always goes with me and she enjoys it too.
I took my girls to the mall and to In and Out for dinner. It's so strange not having Catherine here. I miss her. But I did get to spend the weekend in Santa Barbara with my family. It was very special.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ralph Lauren shoes
"I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key."
Growing up, anytime I got a new pair of shoes, I'd walk about singing it. I've always loved new shoes.
Well..... I've got a brand new pair of Ralph Lauren shoes.....
I had most of the day off today so Catherine and I headed to Fresno for some school clothes (jacket mainly) shopping. She leaves for Santa Barbara this weekend.
Our first stop was Macy's - she fell in love with a nice coat there and picked it up.
I fell in love with the shoe department -- Stuart Weitzman shoes but at $295.00 a pair, they were a bit much. Same thing with a wonderful pair of Vince Camuto's (yeah, for fun I tried them on) and some nice Coach shoes. But then I saw and tried on a pair of Ralph Lauren Shoes and I could not leave them there - so I pampered myself and bought them.

Here they are - aren't they pretty?
They're chocolate brown, beautiful, have the sweet RL enamaled ornament, and I love them.
Happy Birthday to me. :)
I hadn't had a pampering "princess" day in a long time and I needed it. And, Macy's is one of my favorite stores - of course, I prefer Boscov's but none of those here.
(I wore them to work Friday and felt like a little girl wearing new shoes.)
Friday, September 12, 2008
September 11
Thursday, September 11, 2008
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

AND......(drumroll) .....I got an exclusive interview with Collin Raye's stage manager! He gave me his business card and asked me to also email him my story and that he will see about placing it online! Oh my gosh....I love my job.
I was so excited. He talked about his new album and where they were heading next.
Oh....another interesting thing....the drummer.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"Letting Go"
After that event, I covered a "Locks of Love" story - two sisters with hair long enough to sit on had never cut their hair in their lives (10 and 12 years) -- I was there for their first cut.
I decided this was a good place to post my last online contest story.
I entered the 250-words or less short story in Jason Evan's Clarity of Night'
The way the contests work: Jason posts a photo and writers are inspired to write a short short story, using the photo as inspiration.
This particular contest sported a photo of a motorcycle.
"Letting Go"
Ever since Sarah could remember, Johnny wanted a motorcycle, so it did not surprise her that when he turned 16, it was what he asked for.
“No. Absolutely not,” Sarah said as she turned to face her husband. “You know how I feel about these things. Tommy would still …”
She couldn’t finish the sentence. Her younger brother had been killed on his first motorcycle – at age 16.
“Stop baby,” her husband said as he went to her side and held her. “He’s not Tommy. Look at him. He’s not a little boy anymore. Sooner or later you’ll have to learn to let go.”
She turned to look at Johnny, who had tried so hard to find his identity. Sarah couldn’t help but smile as she saw that the half-man/half-child had fallen asleep on the couch – watching cartoons – his long lean body draped over a stack of pillows on the floor.
She remembered how upset she felt when he cut his hair, first into a Mohawk, later clean-shaven. A lightening bolt tattoo followed and Sarah was relieved when he told her it was only henna.
No matter how big he got, he would always be her little boy, she thought.
“Sweetheart,” her husband interrupted her thoughts, telephone against his chest. “It’s ‘Make a Wish Foundation.’ They are bringing a motorcycle for Johnny to ride.”
Sarah nodded as tears rolled down her face. She knew she couldn’t take Johnny’s last wish away.
*~*{Sameera}*~* said...
That was so heartrending.My heart went out to the family.Hope it might not be his last wish...Very well narrated!
July 15, 2008 1:39 PM
wrath999 said...
Wow sadness at abundance here.Excellent!alex
July 15, 2008 1:58 PM
BernardL said...
Well illustrated sample of a parent's nightmare.
July 15, 2008 2:37 PM
Sarah Hina said...
So heartbreaking. You took this in a completely different direction than I thought. The line about having to "let go" really gets me in retrospect. And I like how he is caught between boyhood and adulthood as all this strikes. Richly drawn tale. Good job!
July 15, 2008 2:49 PM
strugglingwriter said...
Very heartfelt. I could totally hear my Mom saying “No. Absolutely not,” to a motorcycle :)
July 15, 2008 2:55 PM
J.C. Montgomery said...
Wow, what a tug on the heart. Good job on drawing the reader in so well in such a short space of time.
July 15, 2008 3:11 PM
Beth said...
Truly a surprise ending, not what I expected at all. Very good!
July 15, 2008 3:11 PM
kgilbert said...
A superbly woven story. Surprise ending. Very poignant.
July 15, 2008 3:58 PM
JaneyV said...
Esther - a beautiful and poignant story. The ending was both heart-breaking and unexpected. You packed a lot into your 250 words. Well Done.
July 15, 2008 4:35 PM
SzélsőFa said...
Oh, this was painful and haunting. The twist at the end made it sorrowful, and took the meaning of 'letting go' to another, elevated level.
July 15, 2008 5:01 PM
September said...
Thank you, everyone. I actually had three different stories in mind but decided to go with this one because I enjoy writing unexpected endings. I was hoping it was not too obvious but wanted the reader to go back and see it -- the "letting go" and the shaved head. I had a couple other hints in there but removed them because it may have been too obvious.Thank you again for the kind comments.
July 15, 2008 10:15 PM
Lena said...
really a surprise ending, makes me feel so sad after reading it, you have done a great job in just 250 words :)
July 15, 2008 11:26 PM
JR's Thumbprints said...
It's not easy being subtle, but I think you did a good job with it.
July 16, 2008 12:17 AM
Wannabe Writer said...
Not even a hint that Johnny was sick until the end. Good job. -Rita
July 16, 2008 7:53 AM
Scott said...
I was sure this was going to turn bad quickly, but you played it straight. This is a slice of a parent's life, the pain of letting go. Touching.
July 16, 2008 8:05 AM
Dottie said...
Ditto what Scott said. Nice pacing in your piece.
July 17, 2008 11:37 AM
The Grocer said...
Excellent surprise at the end in a totally different way to expectation.
July 17, 2008 12:20 PM
pernille said...
What an ending! I was so surprised. After reading you own comments I found the clues - excellent writing.
July 17, 2008 5:44 PM
angel said...
omg that totally caught me off guard! i have a big lump in my throat now... wonderful!
July 18, 2008 2:52 AM
c.s. said...
beautifully written! i like it a lot!
July 18, 2008 12:40 PM
September said...
Thank you for the supportive comments. I've always enjoyed reading (and writing) stories with twists and turns, and especially enjoy surprise endings. I'm grateful to Jason for running these contests - we all learn so much and it so entertaining to read all of your stories.
July 19, 2008 2:41 AM
Posolxstvo I said...
Nice irony... made us think that mom said no to a bike because someone she loved was killed on one - looks like even she believes that. This was one of my favorites (so far).
July 19, 2008 10:48 AM
Missy said...
July 19, 2008 1:31 PM
September said...
Thank you, missy and posolxstvo i.
July 19, 2008 6:42 PM
laughingwolf said...
well done, esther... hits home on so many levels
July 19, 2008 7:34 PM
September said...
Thank you, laughingwolf.
July 20, 2008 2:20 AM
jason evans said...
Very effective emotional hit. Did not see that coming at all. We were lulled into a sense of normal teenage rebellion. High marks overall.
July 24, 2008 4:57 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Reading and more reading

(cute little story, by the way - sweet summer read)
It's amazing how much Catherine needs for school. I had never given it much thought until we started picking up things - basically, she needs everything -- but keeping in mind that it all must fit into a dorm room.
She got her new flat screen television (I know, don't say it) but the way I see it, she studies hard and if she wants to watch a program or two, it's fine with me. New printer, new mini refrigerator, iron and board, etc. etc. -- and all of the normal dorm stuff - xl sheets, xl comforter, and cute stuff for her desk -- the list seems endless. How fun.

I was too busy Saturday with family -- barbecue at my sister's house -- and on Sunday, just couldn't get into it. It may take me a couple of weekends for this book since this weekend is gone.
Oh, I worked Monday, Labor Day. I'm off today but it's another busy day. I'm taking care of my mom and then have a tennis match, followed by Back to School Night for Jennifer.
So, nothing exciting to report. Oh...yes....there is one thing. Collin Raye will be performing on September 11 at the Tulare County Fair. That's exciting - for me anyway. He has been one of my favorite country singers ever since I can remember....."That's my story and I'm sticking to it."
Monday, August 04, 2008
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
That is so cool!
And, more exciting news....my Angel stories are bringing in record hits at the office -- almost 10,000 hits in less than a week!! -- a record for us!
Of course, I've had a few phonecalls from people saying "how dare you write this" -- but I never said I believed or didn't believe it was an angel or Jesus on the Cross -- I simply reported what people out there were doing and saying.
Stay tuned for another story soon. I'm already working on story number three.
If you missed my last story, click here.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Angel gone but Jesus and Virgin Mary in palm tree
I went to report on it tonight and there were so many people, it took forever to get out of there and back to the office. I had to drive through a couple of parking lots and then take the back roads all the way to Morton Avenue and return to the office the long way back.
Talk about a fun day! (I also worked on a couple of other stories - new superintendent for Alta Vista school district and a story about a patient from a developmental center who escaped and is still missing.)
To read the image story - click here.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Angels in the newsroom

Oh yes, today was a fun news reporting day.
Can my job be any more interesting?
Did I mention that I absolutely love my work?
I do. I do. I do. I do. I do.
Angel appears on local window
Comments 2 Recommended 13The image has been appearing after dark for several nights, said Debrah Dattoli, who captured it on video.
People have been gathering after dark at Carpet Plus Colortile, 1043 W. Olive Ave., to catch a glimpse of the angel.
To read the full story - click here.
I'm sorry - this story appears to be gone. However, I did write a couple of other stories on this topic.
See two stories below.
Angelic sighting attracting crowds to Porterville store
Posted: Monday, July 28, 2008 12:00 am

People seeing new image - Jesus on the cross
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Recorder Photo by Esther Avila |
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Recorder Photo by Esther Avila |

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Mamma mia... dot dot dot
I will go and buy the soundtrack - just for fun. They are all cute songs. I like all genres of music. Here's three songs that I really liked. They all had words that meant something to me. I can only imagine what it must be like to actually have someone of your very own. ohhh...mamma mia.

My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again
My My, just how much I've missed you?
Yes, I've been broken-hearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know
My my, I should not have let you go
Our last summer
I can still recall
Our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the (shore)
Laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain
We made our way along the (coast)
And we sat down in the grass by the (light houses)
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Oh, yes
Those crazy years
That was the time of (living our dreams)
... We took our chance
Like we were dancing our last dance
I do I do I do I do I do
Oh, I've been dreaming through my lonely past
Now I've just made it
I found you at last
So come on
Now let's try it
I love you
Can't deny it
'Cause it's true
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Oh, no hard feelings between you and me
If we can't make it
We just wait and see
So come on now, let's try it
I love you, can't deny it
'Cause it's true, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Love me or leave me
Make your choice
but believe me I love you,
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
I can't conceal it
Don't you see, can't you feel it?
Don't you too? I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
OH, mamma mia, indeed.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Story posted
Please go over to Jason's "Clarity of Night" sight to read it.
I'm entry No. 45 but they are alphabetized and I am the fifth one down.....
"Letting Go"
And don't forget to comment. Better yet, enter a story of your own. You have a day left.
I always enjoy entering the contests.
See you all at the finish line!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
"Clarity of Night" short fiction contest
I always enjoy these and encourage all writers to enter the contest.
You can find all of the official rules here: "Running-Wind-Short-Fiction-Contest"
If you have not participated before, it's really quite simple.
Using a photograph (posted on his site) for inspiration, compose a short fiction (or poetry) piece of no more than 250 words in any genre or style. That's it. There are a few prizes just for fun, but really, all participants get so much out of it. Not only do people comment on the stories, but Jason will give you a little evaluation on your writing. (via email)
If you want to read any of my previous entries from other Jason Evans' contests, you can find them here:
"Two Lights" short fiction - I won second place - it was my debut online writing contest
Read story here: http://clarityofnight.blogspot.com/2006/04/entry-6.html
"Endless Hour" short fiction - I won First Runner up, Readers' Choice award
see story here: http://clarityofnight.blogspot.com/2007/04/entry-31.html
"It is finished" short fiction - http://clarityofnight.blogspot.com/2006/06/entry-9.html
"Silent Grey" - http://clarityofnight.blogspot.com/2007/01/entry-38.html
Skunks, racoons, and UCSB
I learned so much. Catherine and I were separated into separate groups. Scholars went with peers and parents with parents. They kept us so busy too. I was in "class" from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. the first night.
Thursday night they scheduled a "parent social" but I'm not into those things, so I decided to skip it and I went to the beach and sat there for a long time -- watching the moon dance on the water, listening to the waves, and dreaming.
As I walked down the little pathway back to the dorms (only a couple hundred feet from the ocean) I was startled when out of the bushes came two skunks! Yikes! Right in front of me. I had seen several on campus - (probably saw about 15 of them) - but these came right out and were about five feet from me. I froze. I did not want to get sprayed by them. They stopped and looked at me and I swear, they smiled. I said, "hi little ones" and they kept walking. They were so cute.
AND...I kid you not. Right behind them were a couple of large raccoons. Those scared me. I didn't know if raccoons attacked or not. They walked away and as I looked to the side, one more skunk appeared and the five of them frolicked in the nearby grass - you would think they were the best of friends. I tried taking a photo with my blackberry phone but it was too dark to capture the image. Oh, I bought a new blackberry!
Anyway, I continued on my way back to my room. I was so lucky. I got a room all to myself. When I signed up, I was told I would get a female parent to room with but when I checked in, I was given a single room so I had it all to myself. Once I went back to my room, I showered, and was going to read, but my eyes were tired (I had been up since 2:30 a.m.) so I turned off the light, opened my window (Mine faced the ocean) and fell asleep to the sound of water lapping, birds chirping, crickets and frogs, and occasional other strange noises.
Catherine skipped her teen social too. She and her roommate, who was from Sherman Oaks (her dad graduated from Redwood High School! Wow. Small world) were both tired, so they went to their room to rest. We had left home at 3:30 a.m. so she was exhausted too.
The program ended Friday evening. She's quite excited. She got her new schedule too.
I'm so proud of my little girl. She's a scholar now at one of the most prestigious teaching schools in the world.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Meet my Sweetpea!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Escaping into a different world

I'd much rather read than watch a movie. In fact, I'm always disappointed when I see a movie made from a book. The book is always so much better.
As to escaping..... I needed it. That's all I will say for now. Someday when I am ready, I will share more.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Red, White, Blue and spectacular - with the one I love

I love the holiday. And year after year, I have watched the fireworks, always wishing there were someone special next to me to enjoy them with. I've always had my children, of course, but something always wasn't quite complete.
Until Friday.
I sat there, with my little Marisa, just the two of us as we often do. And suddenly, I realized, she's all I needed. My little precious first baby. She will always be with me and I love her so much.
We danced and ate pink cotton candy and drank diet Coke. I bought her glow sticks and watched her glow. My heart warmed when she got very excited with the flyover. "Did you see the jets, mom?" she asked again and again.
When the fireworks - and all of the patriotic music - started. we oohed and ahhhed together at the beautiful streams of gold and reds, blues, whites, and greens.
My other two daughters, age 16 and 18, were off celebrating with their own friends. But my Marisa - she's my faithful baby - always at my side.
I love them all, but my Marisa, I treasure her in a special way. I couldn't imagine celebrating without her.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
George Washington University

Monday, May 26, 2008
and they're off........without me

And now the purple dusk of twilight time
Steals across the meadows of my heart
High up in the sky the little stars climb
Always reminding me that we're apart
You wander down the lane and far away
Leaving me a song that will not die
Love is now the stardust
Of yesterday
The music
Of the years gone by
Sometimes I wonder why I spend
The lonely nights
Dreaming of a song.
The melody haunts my reverie
And I am once again with you.
When our love was new, and each kiss an inspiration.
But that was long ago, and now my consolation
Is in the stardust of a song.
Beside the garden wall, when stars are bright
You are in my arms
The nightingale tells his fairy tale
Of paradise where roses grew.
Though I dream in vain, in my heart you will remain
My stardust melody
The memory of loves refrain.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Frank S - you gotta love him

Fly Me to the Moon

And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words hold my hand
In other words darling kiss me
Fill my life with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I hope for
All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you
Some of my favorite music to play in the car has always been my Frank Sinatra CDs - and lately I've been playing them a lot every day to and from work. Sometimes I tell myself to stop, but I can't.
Stardust - Fly me to the Moon
I've got you under my Skin
The way you look Tonight
Moonlight Serenade
Young at Heart
Such beautiful music and lyrics. Sigh. I was born in the wrong decade.
if you're young at heart...."
And here is the best part, you have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart."