Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Clarity of Night" short fiction contest

Jason Evans is running his ninth "Clarity of Night" short fiction contest. I'm so excited.
I always enjoy these and encourage all writers to enter the contest.
You can find all of the official rules here: "Running-Wind-Short-Fiction-Contest"
If you have not participated before, it's really quite simple.
Using a photograph (posted on his site) for inspiration, compose a short fiction (or poetry) piece of no more than 250 words in any genre or style. That's it. There are a few prizes just for fun, but really, all participants get so much out of it. Not only do people comment on the stories, but Jason will give you a little evaluation on your writing. (via email)

If you want to read any of my previous entries from other Jason Evans' contests, you can find them here:

"Two Lights" short fiction - I won second place - it was my debut online writing contest
Read story here:
"Endless Hour" short fiction - I won First Runner up, Readers' Choice award
see story here:
"It is finished" short fiction -
"Silent Grey" -


  1. Hi September,
    This is my first time submitting to Jason's contest. And I have to say it has been a wonderful experience. It prompted my story that I will definitely work on as my next novel as soon as I finish my WIP.

    I wanted to say thank you so much for your encoraging words about my story GPS. I haven't been able to read any of the others yet - partly because I don't want to loose faith, and partly because I haven't had much time. But this will be my goal this week! Thanks again!

  2. Hi Sheri,

    I'm so happy to hear that you are following your lifelong dream of becoming a published writer!

    How exciting. :)

  3. You have quite an impressive resume or writery things... I feel I am only just starting out at 40. Hope I am not too late!
