Sunday, March 04, 2012

There's a first time for everything

I cast my first rod today - at least, that's what I think I did.
Since I am not a fisherman - um, fisherperson - and prior to today had never fished - I really have no idea of the correct term to use....but I attempted to fish and I had fun. Along the way, I learned a bit about lures and bait, worms and bobble thingies.
I couldn't have asked for a prettier day -- warm, blue skies, a clear lake, a blanket of yellow - wild mustard-seed flowers surrounding us, purple wild flowers seen on some of the foothills and the
beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains in the background.

And nope - didn't catch a fish. Not a single one.

But that's ok. I did experience a few other firsts. I saw two large white pelicans on the water. I had no idea we had these anywhere near Porterville. At least, that's what they looked like. They were
definitely not cranes and definitely not egrets, I've seen plenty of
those. These were pelicans. White pelicans. I had one other first but I'll
keep that to myself. :)

Spending the day out there - enjoying the sun, hearing the birds, drinking coffee and later, diet coke, learning to cast and simply enjoying nature - was relaxing. I really loved it - plus, it didn't hurt to have some really nice company.

It was a fun day.

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