So - let me catch you up.
I've spent the last week resting -- if you can call it that -- out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Cruise! Oh yeah! It was wonderful.
A whole week of fun and relaxing and sun! It was so warm - everyone wore shorts and swimming tops -- hard to believe it was December.
The rest was just what I needed to get completely better. I did a lot of "nothing" and had a lot of fun - dancing, comedy and other shows and excursions, and basically having fun with the girls.
I love to read and finished my book in a day and a half -- I had a margarita in Ensenada -- and basically, enjoyed time with my girls.
Food was good too. Not the buffets - the dinners. I am not a "buffet" person -- I don't care for places where a million hands have touched everything and I don't care for places where people can load up their plates -- but I did love the nice three to five-course dinners. Lobster, prime rib, mahi mahi -- Mmmmm.
I slept good too - which I think really helped. I was up at 6 a.m. each day, like normal, but I took short naps and relaxed a lot. Did a little bit of writing too - which I hadn't done in a while.
In Santa Catalina, I rented a golf cart and drove all around the island. In Ensenada, we went to see the beautiful Bufador - one of only three natural blow holes in the world (we've seen the one in Hawaii, the other is in Australia.)
By the last night of the cruise, I felt my lower lip quivering again -- and each time I feel that, I awaken with more of a smile -- and sure enough, my smile returned to almost 100-percent.
See me smiling in the photo above!